- L.A.C. Lecointre, Y. Zhou, N. Hosoya, S. Kamiyama, S. Takeda, T. Yokozeki
Enhancing thermographic characterisation of delaminated zones in CFRP composites through data fusion with ultrasonic Lamb Waves technique
Infrared Physics & Technology, 145, 2025, 105721, doi.
- R.C Hong, R.Higuchi, X.Lu, T.Yokozeki
Numerical analysis of fatigue evolution of laminated composites using cohesive zone model and extended finite element method
Composites PartA, 190, 2025, 108653, doi.
- L.A.C.Lecointre, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, N.Hosoya, S.Takeda
Development of signal processing algorithms for delamination detection in composite laminates using non-contact excited Lamb waves
Ultrasonics, 147, 2025, 107524, doi.
- S.Hasebe, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, S.Takeda
Prediction of compression after impact strength from surface profile of low-velocity impact damaged CFRP laminates using machine learning
Composites PartA, 189, 2025, 108560, doi.
- S.Ochi, S.Kai, K.Takase, K.Soneda, T.Imamura, K.Rinoie, T.Yokozeki,
Aeroelastic simulation and experimental validation of a 3D-printed passive morphing airfoil
AIAA Journal, 62, 2024, 2538-2547, doi.
- N.Morita, T.Takahashi, T.Matsuda, M.Ueda, T.Yokozeki, W.Iwase
Parallel homogenization analysis of FW-CFRP for high-pressure hydrogen tanks considering fiber waviness
Mechanical Engineering Journal, 11, 2024, 24-00013, doi.
- N.Tsushima, Y.Hayashi, T.Yokozek
Dispersion analysis of plane wave propagation in lattice-based mechanical metamaterial for vibration suppression
Aerospace, 11(8), 2024, 637, doi.
- X.Lu, R.Higuchi, X.Hua, T.Nagashima, T.Yokozeki
Experimental and numerical study on failure mechanisms of tapered laminates: Effects of ply thickness and taper ratio
Composites Science and Technology, 256, 2024, 110784, doi.
- 森史子、横関智弘
日本複合材料学会誌, 50(3), 2024, 79-85.
- N.Ichihara, M.Ueda, T.Yokozeki
Penalized anisotropy: Controlling anisotropy growth in concurrent optimization of topology and fiber orientation for orthotropic composite materials
Journal of Composite Materials, 58, 2024, 677-688, doi.
- X.Lu, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki
Adaptive implicit/explicit method for robust and efficient failure analysis of composite materials
Composites PartA, Vol.180, 2024, 108093, doi.
- M.Ueda, T.Hidaka, N.Ichihara, H.Yang, W.Iwase, T.Matsuda, N.Morita, R.Aoki, T.Yokozeki
Voids in type-IV composite pressure vessels manufactured by a dry filament-winding process
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.208, 2024, 105154, doi.
- 加藤雅也、樋口諒、大矢豊大、大島草太、水口周、横関智弘、青木隆平
PPS および CF/PPS の結晶化挙動に関する実験的・解析的研究
日本複合材料学会誌, 50(1), 2024, 8-18.
- X.Li, Y.Zhou, S.Kamiyama, T.Okada, T.Yokozeki
Intrinsically conductive resin as a functional repair for ECF/CFRP against simulated lighting strike: an experimental study
Composites PartA, Vol.177, 2024, 107933, doi.
- R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, K.Nishida, C.Kawamura, T.Sugiyama, T.Miyanaga
Decoupled two-scale simulation of damping vibration of composite laminates using image-based periodic representative volume element
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.571, 2024, 118096, doi.
- R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, K.Nishida, C.Kawamura, T.Sugiyama, T.Miyanaga
High-fidelity computational micromechanics of composite materials using image-based periodic representative volume element
Composite Structures, Vol.328, 2024, 117726, doi.
- N.Hosoya, M.Mita, L.A.C.Lecointre, S.Tonegawa, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, S.Takeda
Lamb waves evaluation in CFRP plates with laser shock wave technique
Structures, Vol.58, Issue 3, 2023, 105566, doi.
- R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, M.Matsuhashi, A.Imaoku, T.Yamamoto, Y.Ohnishi, T.Sakakibara,
Numerical investigation into vibration damping in woven composite structures
Composite Structures Vol.324, 2023, 117471, doi.
- M.A.Muflikhun, T.Yokozeki
Systematic analysis of fractured specimens of composite laminates: Different perspectives between tensile, flexural, Mode I, and Mode II test
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Vol.6, Issue 3, 2023, 329-343, doi.
- Y.Zhou, Y.Kobayashi, Y.Matsuzaki, K.Matsumoto, T.Yokozeki
Experimental investigation of thermoset composite laminates manufactured with a novel sheet-winding compression-molding (SWCM) process
MaterialsTodayCommunications, Vol.35, 2023, 106034,doi.
- T.Ogasawara, T.Mikami, K.Takamoto, K.Asakawa, K.Aoki, S.Uchiyama, S.Sugimoto, T.Yokozeki
Experimental evaluation of filled-hole compressive strengths of thin-ply carbon fiber/epoxy composite laminates
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.237, 2023, 109996, doi.
- M.Ueda, N.Ichihara, T.Yokozeki, T.Watanabe, Y.Tsuchiyama, Y.Urushiyama
Continuum damage mechanics behavior of a carbon-fiber-reinforced epoxy composite fabricated by filament winding with different material and manufacturing conditions
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023,doi.
- R.Aoki, H.higuchi, T.Yokozeki
Progressive damage and residual strength of open-hole thin-ply CFRP laminates under tensile fatigue loading
Composite Structures, Vol.314, 2023, 116973, doi.
- K.Kitamoto, S.Minakuchi, T.Yokozeki
High-fidelity simulation model for moisture-induced deformation of CFRP structure considering anisotropic nonlinear moisture absorption-desorption characteristics
Composites Part A, Vol.165, 2023, 107324, doi.
- S.Oshima, R,Higuchi, M.Kato, S.Minakuchi, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki,
Experimental data for cooling rate-dependent properties of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) and carbon fiber reinforced PPS (CF/PPS)
Data in Brief, Vol.46, 2023, 108817, doi.
- S.Kajihara, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
Dimension effects on the stowability and self-deployment behavior of CFRP bistable open-section semi-cylindrical beam
Composite Structures, Vol.307, 2023, 116628, doi.
- S.Hasebe, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, S.Takeda
Multi-task learning application for predicting impact damage-related information using surface profiles of CFRP laminates
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.231, 2023, 109820, doi.
- X.Hua, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki
Enhancement of tensile strength of tapered laminates by utilizing thin-ply composites
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.248, 2023, 110372, doi.
- S.Oshima, R.Higuchi, M.Kato, S.Minakuchi, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
Cooling rate-dependent mechanical properties of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) and carbon fiber reinforced PPS (CF/PPS)
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.164, 2023, 107250, doi.
- K.Soneda, T.Yokozeki, T.Imamura, N.Tsushima
Multi-fidelity aeroelastic model for corrugated morphing structures
Journal of Aircraft, Vol.60(1), 2023, 120-129, doi.
- 樋口諒、青木涼馬、横関智弘、長嶋利夫、岡部朋永
日本複合材料学会誌, 48(6), 2022, 223-235.
- 青木涼馬、樋口諒、横関智弘、青木一行、内山重和、小笠原俊夫
日本複合材料学会誌, 48(6), 2022, 236-245.
- A.K.Pathak, T.Yokozeki
Recycled Carbon Nanofiber-Polypropylene Nanocomposite: A Step towards Sustainable Structural Material Development
Journal of Composites Science, Vol.6, 2022, 332, doi.
- K.Takahashi, K.Yaginuma, T.Goto, T.Yokozeki, T.Okada, T.Takahashi
Electrically conductive carbon fiber reinforced plastics induced by uneven distribution of polyaniline composite micron-sized particles in thermosetting matrix
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.228, 2022, 109642, doi.
- S.Hasebe, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, S.Takeda
Dataset for surface and internal damage after impact on CFRP laminates
Data in Brief, Vol.43, 2022, 108462, doi.
- K.Soneda, N.Tsushima, T.Yokozeki, T.Imamura
Aeroservoelastic Characteristics of a Corrugated Morphing Control Surface
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2022, Vol.2, 2022, 723-733, doi.
- R.Sako, R.Aoki, R.Higuchi, M.Ueda, Y.Urushiyama, T.Yokozeki
Experiments on the mode II fracture toughness in ENF tests of CFRP curved beams
Composite Structures, Vol.292, 2022, 115692, doi.
- A.K.Pathak, L.Sharma, H.Garg, T.Yokozeki, S.R.Dhakate
In-situ cross-linking capability of novel amine functionalized graphene with epoxy nanocomposites
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.139, 2022, e52249, doi.
- S.Hasebe, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, S.Takeda
Internal low-velocity impact damage prediction in CFRP laminates using surface profiles and machine learning
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.237, 2022, 109844, doi.
- R.Higuchi, R.Aoki, S.Onodera, X.Lu, J.Zhi, K.H.Leong, T.Yokozeki, T.Okabe, T.E.Tay,
Multi-fidelity progressive damage simulation of notched composite laminates with various ply thicknesses
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.242, 2022, 111518, doi.
- T.Takahashi, A.Todoroki, C.Kawamura, R.Higuchi, T.Sugiyama, T.Miyanaga, K.Hattori, M.Ueda, T.Yokozeki, M.Honda
Unidirectional CFRP kinking under uniaxial compression modeled using synchrotron radiation computed tomography imaging
Composite Structures, Vol.289, 2022, 115458, doi.
- L.Tenorio, T.Yokozeki, J.Sato
Structural design of Super Pressure Balloon Habitat on the moon
Acta Astronautica, Vol.195, 2022, 183-203, doi.
- R.Sako, R.Aoki, R.Higuchi, M.Ueda, Y.Urushiyama, T.Yokozeki
Analysis of mode II strain energy release rates in end-notched flexure tests of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic curved beams
Composite Structures, Vol.281, 2022, 115038, doi.
- R.Aoki, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, K.Aoki, S.Uchiyama, T.Ogasawara
Effects of ply thickness and 0°-layer ratio on failure mechanism of open-hole and filled-hole tensile tests of thin-ply composite laminates
Composite Structures, Vol.280, 2022, 114926, doi.
- S.Das, V.Kumar, J.Lee, T.Yokozeki, T.Okada
Thickness threshold study of polyaniline-based lightning strike protection coating for carbon/glass fiber reinforced polymer composites
Composite Structures, Vol.280, 2022, 114954, doi.
- R.Higuchi, I.Hayashi, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
Theory for deformation of laminate with multiple inhomogeneous inclusions
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.234-235, 2022, 111291, doi.
- Y.Ma, T.Yokozeki, M.Ueda, Y.Yang, H.Hamada, T.Sugahara
Simulation on the mechanical performance and fracture behavior of unidirectional carbon fiber-reinforced composites
Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.55(25), 2021, 3639-3649, doi.
- R.Aoki, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, K.Aoki, S.Uchiyama, T.Ogasawara
Damage-mechanics mesoscale modeling of composite laminates considering diffuse and discrete ply damages: effects of ply thickness
Composite Structures, Vol.277, 2021, 114609, doi.
- I.Hayashi, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
Analytical study on the thermal deformation of ultralight phased array antenna
Acta Astronautica, Vol.188, 2021, 531-544, doi.
- A.K.Pathak, H.Garg, T.Yokozeki, S.R.Dhakate
Relevance of graphene oxide as nanofiller for geometrical variation in unidirectional carbon fiber/epoxy composite
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.1388, 2021, e50985, doi.
- M.A.Muflikhun, T.Yokozeki
Steel plate cold commercial - carbon fiber reinforce plastics hybrid laminates for automotive applications: curing perspective with thermal residual effect
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, doi.
- Y.Zhou, S.N.V.Raghu, V.Kumar, T.Okada, T.Yokozeki
Simulated lightning strike investigation of CFRP comprising a novel polyaniline/phenol based electrically conductive resin matrix
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.214, 2021, 108971, doi.
- S.Pati, S.Manomaisantiphap, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, T.Yokozeki
Development of CFRP with polyaniline-based resin using curable dopants employing storage stable prepregs
Applied Composite Materials, Vol.28, 2021, 381-394, doi.
- S.Das, T.Yokozeki
A brief review of modified conductive carbon/glass fibre reinforced composites for structural applications: lightning strike protection, electromagnetic shielding, and strain sensing
Composites Part C, Vol.5, 2021, 100162, doi.
- R.Higuchi, S.Warabi, A.Yoshimura, T.Nagashima, T.Yokozeki, T.Okabe
Experimental and numerical study on progressive damage and failure in composite laminates during open hole compression tests
Composites PartA, Vol.145, 2021, 106300, doi.
- K.Takamoto, T.Ogasawara, H.Kodama, T.Mikami, S.Oshima, K.Aoki, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki
Experimental and numerical studies of the open-hole compressive strength of thin-ply CFRP laminates
Composites Part A, Vol.145, 2021, 106365, doi.
- Y.Iwata, T.Yokozeki
Shock wave filtering of two-dimensional CFRP X-lattice structures: a numerical investigation
Composite Structures, Vol.265, 2021, 113743, doi.
- M.A. Muhammad, T. Yokozeki
Experimental and numerical analysis of CFRP-SPCC hybrid laminates for automotive and structural applications with cost analysis assessment
Composite Structures, Vol.263, 2021, 113707, doi.
- S.Das, S.Sharma, T.Yokozeki, S.Dhakate
Conductive layer-based multifunctional structural composites for electromagnetic interference shielding
Composite Structures, 2021, 113293, doi.
- A.K.Pathak, Y.Zhou, L.Lecointre & T.Yokozeki
Polypropylene nanocomposites with high-loading conductive carbon nano-reinforcements for multifunctional applications
Applied Nanoscience, 2021, 1-11, doi.
- Y. Iwata, T. Yokozeki
Wave propagation analysis of one-dimensional CFRP lattice structure
Composite Structures, Vol.261, 2021, 113306, doi.
- E.Hara, H.Katoh, Y.Iwahori, T.Yokozeki
Influence of specimen geometry on apparent Poisson's ratio evaluated under the compressive loading of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminate
Advanced Composites Materials, Vol.30(Sup.1), 2021, 96-110, doi.
- R. Aoki, R. Higuchi, T. Yokozeki
Fatigue simulation for progressive damage in CFRP laminate using intra-laminar and inter-laminar fatigue damage models
International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.143, 2021, 106015, doi.
- Z.Loulou, T.Yokozeki
Evolution Prediction of Bistable Tape Springs' Deployed Shape While Undergoing Stowage at High Temperature
Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences,Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.18(6), 2020, 401-411, doi.
- S. Manomaisantiphap, V. Kumar, T. Okada, T. Yokozeki
Electrically conductive carbon fiber layers as lightning strike protection for non-conductive epoxy-based CFRP substrate
Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.54(29), 2020, 4547-4555, doi.
- R.Higuchi, R.Aoki, T.Yokozeki & T.Okabe
Evaluation of the in-situ damage and strength properties of thin-ply CFRP laminates by micro-scale finite element analysis
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.29(5), 2020, 475-493, doi.
- A.K.Pathak, T.Yokozeki, M.Imada, K.Kido
In-situ observation of tensile failure mode in cross-ply CFRP laminates using Talbot-Lau interferometry
Composite Structures, Vol.253, 2020, 112758, doi.
- Y.Ma,S.Jin, T.Yokozeki, M.Ueda, Y.Yang, E.A.Elbadry, H.Hamada, T.Sugahara
Effect of hot water on the mechanical performance of unidirectional carbon fiber-reinforced nylon 6 composites
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.200, 2020, 108426, doi.
- 樋口 諒、青木涼馬、横関智弘、岡部朋永
日本複合材料学会誌, 46 巻(5), 2020, 212-222.
- 津島夏輝、玉山雅人、横関智弘
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 68 巻(4), 2020, 142-147, doi.
- Y.Zhou, K.Takahashi, S.V.R.Naidu, V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Goto, T.Takahashi
Comparison of semi-doped PANI/DBSA complex achieved by thermal doping and roll-mill process: A new perspective for application
Polymer, Vol.202, 2020, 122723, doi.
- H.Hamori, H.Kumazawa, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki
Gas permeability of CFRP cross-ply laminates with thin-ply barrier layers under cryogenic and biaxial loading conditions
Composite Structures, Vol.245, 2020, 112326, doi.
- S.Das, T.Yokozeki
Polyaniline-based multifunctional glass fiber reinforced conductive composite for strain monitoring
Polymer Testing, Vol.87, 2020, 106547, doi.
- S.Das, T.Yokozeki
Polyaniline-based self-sensing structural strain sensor characterization under flexural loading
Materials System, Vol.37, 2020, 15-20, doi.
- M.A.Muflikhun, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
The evaluation of failure mode behavior of CFRP/Adhesive/SPCC hybrid thin laminates under axial and flexural loading for structural applications
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.185, 2020, 107747, doi.
- M.A.Muflikhun, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
Delamination behavior and energy release rate evaluation of CFRP/SPCC hybrid laminates under ENF test: Corrected with residual thermal stresses
Composite Structures, Vol.236, 2020, 111890, doi.
- V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, C.Karch, A.A.Hassen, C.J.Hershey, S.Kim, J.M. Lindahl, A.Barnes, Y.K.Bandari, V.Kunc
Factors affecting direct lightning strike damage to fiber reinforced composites: A review
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.183, 2020, 107688, doi
- T.Yokozeki, H.Takemura, T.Aoki
Numerical analysis on the flexural strength of unidirectional CFRTP composites with in-plane fiber bundle waviness
Advanced Composites Materials, Vol.29(1), 2020, 89-100, doi.
- K.Taguchi, K.Fukunishi, S.Takazawa, Y.Sunada, T.Imamura, K.Rinoie, T.Yokozeki
Experimental study about the Deformation and Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Passive Morphing Airfoil
Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.63(1), 2020, 18-23, doi.
- H.Hamori, H.Kumazawa, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki
Numerical and experimental evaluation of the formation of leakage paths through CFRP cross-ply laminates with leak barrier layers
Composite Structures, Vol.230, 2019, 111530, doi.
- S.Pati, V.Kumar, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, T.Yokozeki
Synthesis and characterization of PANI/P-2M conductive composites: Thermal,rheological,mechanical and electrical properties
Polymer Composites, Vol.40(11), 2019, 4321-4328, doi.
- R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, T.Nagashima, T. Aoki,
Evaluation of mechanical properties of noncircular carbon fiber reinforced plastics by using XFEM-based computational micromechanics
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.126, 2019, 105556, doi.
- 曽根田健輔、横関智弘、今村太郎
日本機械学会論文集, 85巻(878), 2019, 19-00083, doi.
- 津島夏輝、有薗 仁、横関智弘、槙原勘十朗
日本機械学会論文集, 85巻(878), 2019, 18-00506, doi.
- M.A.Muflikhun, R.Higuchi, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
Failure mode analysis of CFRP-SPCC hybrid thin laminates under axial loading for structural applications: Experimental research on strain performance
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.172, 2019, 262-270, doi.
- S.Das, V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki
Strain sensing behavior of multifunctional polyaniline-based thermoset polymer under static loading conditions
Polymer Testing, Vol.77, 2019, 105916, doi.
- T.Takahashi, M.Ueda, K.Iizuka, A.Yoshimura, T.Yokozeki
Simulation on kink-band formation during axial compression of a unidirectional carbon fiber-reinforced plastic constructed by X-ray computed tomography images
Advanced Composites Materials, Vol.28(4), 2019, 347-363, doi.
- M.A.Muflikhun, T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki
The strain performance of thin CFRP-SPCC hybrid laminates for automobile structures
Composite Structures, Vol.220, 2019, 11-18, doi.
- N.Tsushima, T.Yokozeki, W.Su, H.Arizono
Geometrically nonlinear static aeroelastic analysis of composite morphing wing with corrugated structures
Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.88, 2019, 244-257, doi.
- V.Kumar, M.A.Muflikhun, T.Yokozeki
Improved environmental stability,electrical and EMI shielding properties of vapor-grown carbon fiber filled polyaniline-based nanocomposite
Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol.59, 2019, 956-963, doi.
- E.Fujioka, T.Yokozeki, A.Watanabe, T.Aoki
Analysis on temperature-dependent deployment behavior of bi-stable composite rods
Advanced Composites Materials, Vol.28(3), 2019, 245-257, doi.
- 髙橋拓也、上田政人、飯塚啓輔、吉村彰記、横関 智弘
日本複合材料学会誌, 45巻(2), 2019, 52-60, doi.
- 原 栄一、加藤久弥、岩堀 豊、横関智弘
日本複合材料学会誌, 45巻(2), 2019, 72-82, doi.
- V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Okada, Y.Hirano, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, A.A.Hassen, T.Ogasawara
Polyaniline-based all-polymeric adhesive layer: An effective lightning strike protection technology for high residual mechanical strength of CFRPs
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.172, 2019, 49-57, doi.
- V.Kumar, Y.Zhou, G.Shambharkar, V.Kunc, T.Yokozeki
Reduced de-doping and enhanced electrical conductivity of polyaniline filled phenol-divinylbenzene composite for potential lightning strike protection application
Synthetic Metals, Vol.249, 2019, 81-89, doi.
- T.Ube, J.Koyanagi, T.Kosaki, K.Fujimoto, T.Yokozeki, T.Ishiguro, K.Nishio
Fabrication of well-isolated graphene and evaluation of thermoelectric performance of polyaniline-graphene composite film
Journal of Materials Science, Vol.54, 2019, 3904–3913, doi.
- V.Kumar, S.Sharma, A.Pathak, B.P.Singh, S.R.Dhakate, T.Yokozeki, T.Okada, T.Ogasawara
Interleaved MWCNT buckypaper between CFRP laminates to improve through-thickness electrical conductivity and reducing lightning strike damage
Composite Structures, Vol.210, 2019, 581-589, doi.
- S.Pati, V.Kumar, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, T.Yokozeki
Introducing a curable dopant with methacrylate functionality for polyaniline based composites
Polymer Testing, Vol.73, 2019, 171-177, doi.
- A.K.Pathak, V.Kumar, S.Sharma, T.Yokozeki, S.R.Dhakate
Improved thermomechanical and electrical properties of reduced graphene oxide reinforced polyaniline- dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid/divinylbenzene nanocomposites
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.533, 2019, 548-560, doi.
- A.Shitanaka, T.Aoki, T.Yokozeki
Comparison of buckling loads of hyperboloidal and cylindrical lattice structures
Composite Structures, Vol.207, 2019, 877-888, doi.
- A.K.Pathak, H.Garg.M.Singh, T.Yokozeki, S.R.Dhakate
Enhanced interfacial properties of graphene oxide incorporated carbon fiber reinforced epoxy nanocomposite: a systematic thermal properties investigation
Journal of Polymer Research, Vol.26(23), 2019, doi.
- Y.Ma, S.Jin, M.Ueda, T.Yokozeki, Y.Yang, F.Kobayashi, H.Kobayashi, T.Sugahara, H.Hamada
Higher performance carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites from thermoplastic prepreg technique: Heat and moisture effect
Composites Part B, Vol.154, 2018, 90-98, doi.
- S.Sharma, V.Kumar, A.K.Pathak, T.Yokozeki, S.K.Yadav, V.N.Singh, S.R.Dhakatea, B.P.Singh
Designing of MWCNT bucky paper reinforced PANI-DBSA-DVB composites for superior electrical and mechanical properties
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.6, 2018, 12396-12406, doi.
- V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, S.Sharma, S.R.Dhakate, B.P.Singh
Scavenging phenomenon and improved electrical and mechanical properties of polyaniline-divinylbenzene composite in presence of MWCNT
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Vol.14, 2018, 697-708, doi.
- V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Okada, Y.Hirano, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, T.Ogasawara
Effect of through-thickness electrical conductivity of CFRPs on lightning strike damages
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.114, 2018, 429-438, doi.
- M.Hack, D.C.Payan, B.Magneville, T.Naito, Y.Urushiyama, W.Yamazaki, T.Yokozeki, W.V.Paepegem
A progressive damage fatigue model for unidirectional laminated composites based on finite element analysis: theory and practice
Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.46, 2018, 54-61, doi.
- V.Kumar, S.Manomaisantiphap, K.Takahashi, T.Goto, N.Tsushima, T.Takahashi, T.Yokozeki
Cationic scavenging by polyaniline: Boon or Bane from synthesis point of view of its nanocomposites
Polymer, Vol.149, 2018, 169-177, doi.
- V.Kumar, S.Das, T.Yokozeki
Frequency independent AC electrical conductivity & dielectric properties of polyaniline-based conductive thermosetting composite
Journal of Polymer Engineering, Vol.38(10), 2018, 955–961, doi.
- 岩堀 豊、横関智弘、佐藤豊弘
日本複合材料学会誌, 44巻(3), 2018, 83-91, doi.
- X.Cheng, T.Yokozeki, H.Wang, L.Wu, Q.Sun
Simultaneous enhancement of electrical conductivity and mechanical properties in buckypaper-reinforced polydivinylbenzene(doped polyaniline) composites
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.161, 2018, 50-56, doi.
- Y.Yang, Z.Zhang, Y.Ma, M.Ueda, T.Yokozeki, T.Sugahara, H.Hamada
Effect of polyurethane dispersion treatment on the performance improvement of carbon woven fabric-reinforced composites
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol.31, 2018, 408-425, doi.
- X.Cheng, T.Yokozeki, L.Wu, J.Koyanagi, H.Wang, Q.Sun
The enhancement effect of carbon-based nano-fillers/polyaniline hybrids on the through-thickness electric conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced polymer
Composites PartA, Vol.105, 2018, 281-290, doi.
- S.Sharma, B.P.Singh, S.S.Chauhan, J.Jyoti, A.K.Arya, S.R.Dhakate, V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki
Enhanced thermomechanical and electrical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotube paper reinforced epoxy laminar composites
Composites PartA, Vol.104, 2018, 129-138, doi.
- G.Nakamura, K.Uehara, N.Kogiso, T.Yokozeki
Optimum morphing shape design for morphing wing with corrugated structure using RBF network
World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation, 2017, 916-930, doi.
- V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, S.R.Dhakate, B.P.Singh
Irreversible tunability of through-thickness electrical conductivity of polyaniline-based CFRP by de-doping
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.152, 2017, 20-26, doi.
- K.Fujii, T.Yokozeki, H.Arizono, M.Tamayama
Fundamental study on adaptive wing structure for control of wing load distribution
Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.15(APISAT-2016), 2017, a83-a88, doi.
- Y.Ma, T.Yokozeki, M.Ueda, T.Sugahara, Y.Yang, H.Hamada
Effect of polyurethane dispersion as surface treatment for carbon fabrics on mechanical properties of carbon/Nylon composites
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.151, 2017, 268-281, doi.
- Y.Ma, M.Ueda, T.Yokozeki, T.Sugahara, Y.Yang, H.Hamada
Investigation of the flexural properties and failure behavior of unidirectional CF/nylon 6 and CF/epoxy composites
Open Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.7, 2017, 227-249, doi.
- R.T.Gerrit, S.Kokubo, T.Yokozeki
Identification of damage parameters of continuum damage mechanics modeling for intralaminar damage in laminated composites considering transverse stress effects
Open Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.7, 2017, 185-196, doi.
- K.Sato, T.Yokozeki
Aero-structural evaluation of morphing control surface using corrugated panels
Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.15(APISAT-2016), 2017, a7-a15, doi.
- X.Cheng, T.Yokozeki, M.Yamamoto, H.Wang, L.Wu, J.Koyanagi, Q.Sun
The decoupling electrical and thermal conductivity of fullerene/polyaniline hybrids reinforced polymer composites
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.144, 2017, 160-168, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Shimizu, M.Ishii, K.Kimizuka, S.Suzuki, Y.Yamasaki, K.Terashima, T.Kamita, T.Aoki
Mechanical behavior in compression of skin-added X-lattice composite panel with corrugated ribs
Composite Structures, Vol.168, 2017, 863-871, doi.
- Y.Ma, M.Ueda, T.Yokozeki, T.Sugahara, Y.Yang, H.Hamada
A comparative study of the mechanical properties and failure behavior of carbon fiber/epoxy and carbon fiber/polyamide 6 unidirectional composites
Composite Structures, Vol.160, 2017, 89-99, doi.
- H.Takahashi, T.Yokozeki, Y.Hirano
Development of variable camber wing with morphing leading and trailing sections using corrugated structures
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol.27(20), 2827-2836, 2016, doi.
- 横関智弘
強化プラスチックス, Vol.62(11), 2016, 466-470.
- X.Cheng, T.Yokozeki, L.Wu, H.Wang, J.M.Zhang, J.Koyanagi, Z.Weng, Q.Sun
Electrical conductivity and interlaminar shear strength enhancement of carbon fiber reinforced polymers through synergetic effect between graphene oxide and polyaniline
Composites PartA, Vol.90, 2016, 243-249, doi.
- D.Carrella-Payan, B.Magneville, M.Hack, C.Lequesne, T.Naito, Y.Urushiyama, W.Yamazaki, T.Yokozeki, W.V.Paepegem
Implementation of fatigue model for unidirectional laminate based on finite element analysis: theory and practice
Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.38, 2016, 184-190, doi.
- A.K.Pathak, M.Borah, A.Gupta, T.Yokozeki, S.R.Dhakate
Improved mechanical properties of carbon fiber/graphene oxide-epoxy hybrid composites
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.135, 2016, 28-38, doi.
- 横関智弘, 小林やよい, 荒井広明, 大谷章夫, 仲井朝美, 後藤 健
日本複合材料学会誌, 42巻(5), 2016, 163-168, doi.
- 平野 義鎭, 横関智弘, 後藤晃哉, 高橋辰宏, 銭 丹娜, 伊藤昌次, 石田雄一, 小笠原俊夫, 石橋 勝
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 64巻(4), 2016, 223-228, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, M.Ishibashi, Y.Kobayashi, H.Shamoto, Y.Iwahori
Evaluation of adhesively bonded joint strength of CFRP with laser treatment
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.25(4), 2016, 317-327, doi.
- Y.Hirano, T.Yokozeki, Y.Ishida, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, D.Qian, S.Itou, T.Ogasawara, M.Ishibashi
Lightning damage suppression in a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer with a polyaniline-based conductive thermoset matrix
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.127, 2016, 1-7, doi.
- 玉山雅人, 藤井奏風, 有薗 仁, 横関智弘
日本航空宇宙学会誌, 64巻(3), 2016, 111-116, doi.
- S.R. Dhakate, A.Chaudhary, A.Gupta, A.K.Pathak, B.P.Singh, K.M.Subhedar, T.Yokozeki
Excellent mechanical properties of carbon fiber semi-aligned electrospun carbon nanofiber hybrid polymer composites
RSC Advances, Vol.6, 2016, 36715-36722, doi.
- X.Chen, V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, J.Koyanagi, L.Wu, R.Wang
Highly conductive graphene oxide/polyaniline hybrid polymer nanocomposites with simultaneously improved mechanical properties
Composites PartA, Vol.82, 2016, 100-107, doi.
- 横関智弘, 後藤晃哉, 高橋辰宏, 銭 丹娜, 伊藤昌次, 平野義鎭, 石田雄一, 小笠原俊夫, 石橋 勝
材料システム,Vol.34, 2016, 35-38, doi.
- V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Goto, T.Takahashi
Synthesis and characterization of PANI-DBSA/DVB composite using roll-milled PANI-DBSA complex
Polymer, Vol.86, 2016, 129-137, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, K.Iwamoto
Effects of core machining configuration on the debonding toughness of foam core sandwich panels
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.25(1), 2016, 45-58, doi.
- 横関智弘, 高橋弘樹, 平野義鎭
日本航空宇宙学会誌, 64巻(1), 2016, 15-19, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, W.Yamazaki, Y.Kobayashi
Investigation into property control of VaRTM composites by resin infusion process
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.24(6), 2015, 495-507, doi.
- 下出健人, 横関智弘, 青木隆平, 寺島啓太, 紙田 徹
日本複合材料学会誌, 41巻(5), 2015, 159-167, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Goto, T.Takahashi, D.Qian, S.Itou, Y.Hirano, Y.Ishida, M.Ishibashi, T.Ogasawara
Development and characterization of CFRP using a polyaniline-based conductive thermoset matrix
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.117, 2015, 277-281, doi.
- V.Kumar, T.Yokozeki, T.Goto, T.Takahashi
Mechanical and electrical properties of PANI-based conductive thermosetting composites
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.34(16), 2015, 1298-1305, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, N.Kotsuka, K.Yoshida, K.Fujiwara, T.Sato
Damage characterization and numerical modeling of titanium matrix composites subjected to low-velocity impact for landing gear application
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.24(4), 2015, 343-358, doi.
- S.Takeda, T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara
Damage monitoring of polymer-lined carbon fibre-reinforced plastic using small-diameter fibre Bragg grating sensors
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.34(6), 2015, 454-462, doi.
- E.Hara, T.Yokozeki, H.Hatta, Y.Iwahori, T.Ishikawa
Out-of-plane tensile modulus of CFRP laminates by 3-point bending test
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.24(3), 2015, 221-237, doi.
- 横関智弘, 石橋 勝, 小林やよい, 社本英泰, 岩堀 豊
日本複合材料学会誌, 41巻(1), 2015, 19-24, doi.
- Y.Akaike, T.Yokozeki, A.Kanda
Detection of the wrinkles on a membrane by the propagation of elastic waves
Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.12(29) 2014,, Pc_83-Pc_91, doi.
- E.Hara, T.Yokozeki, H.Hatta, Y.Iwahori, T.Ishikawa
Comparison of out-of-plane tensile moduli of CFRP laminates obtained by 3-point bending and direct loading tests
Composites Part A, Vol.67, 2014, 77-85, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, A.Sugiura, Y.Hirano
Development of variable camber morphing airfoil using corrugated structure
Journal of Aircraft, Vol.51(3), 2014, 1023-1029, doi. v
- T.Ogasawara, N.Arai, R.Fukumoto, T.Ogawa, T.Yokozeki, A.Yoshimura
Titanium alloy foil-inserted carbon fiber/epoxy composites for cryogenic propellant tank application
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.23(2), 2014, 129-149, doi.
- 山崎 肇,青木隆平,横関智弘,寺島啓太
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 61巻(5), 2013, 125-132, doi.
- 杉浦 綾,横関智弘,平野義鎭
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 61巻(5), 2013, 142-149, doi.
- 原 栄一,横関智弘,八田博志,岩堀 豊,石川隆司
日本複合材料学会誌, 39巻(5), 2013, 184-192, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Kobayashi, T.Aoki, D.Yoshida, T.Hirata
VaRTM process of composites using porous mold
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.22(2), 2013, 99-107, doi.
- 横関智弘,小林やよい,青木隆平,吉田大志郎,平田拓也
日本複合材料学会誌, 39巻(1), 2013, 31-35, doi.
- T.Yokozeki
On the specimen for interfacial fracture toughness evaluation of foam-core sandwich structures
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.21(5-6), 2012, 491-503, doi.
- E.Hara, T.Yokozeki, H.Hatta, Y.Iwahori, T.Ogasawara, T.Ishikawa
Comparison of out-of-plane tensile strengths of aligned CFRP obtained by 3-point bending and direct loading tests
Composites Part A, Vol.43, 2012, 1828-1836, doi.
- H.Sawada, K.Umezawa, T.Yokozeki, A.Watanabe, T.Otsu
Wind tunnel test of Japanese arrows with the JAXA 60-cm magnetic suspension and balance system
Experiments in Fluids, Vol.53(2), 2012, 451-466, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, S.C.Schulz, S.T.Buschhorn, K.Schulte
Investigation of shear thinning behavior and microstructures of MWCNT/epoxy and CNF/epoxy suspensions under steady shear conditions
European Polymer Journal, Vol.48, 2012, 1042-1049, doi.
- 横関智弘
日本複合材料学会誌, 38巻(3), 2012, 93-100, doi.
- A.Yoshimura, T.Takaki, Y.Noji, T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara, S.Ogihara
Fracture toughness of CFRP adhesive bonded joints at cryogenic temperature
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol.26, 2012, 1017-1031, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Miyaoka, Y.Okabe
Identification of wrinkle states in membranes based on dispersion of elastic wave
Transactions of Japan, Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.10(28), 2012, Pc_1-Pc_6, doi.
- T.Yokozeki
Simplified predictive method of viscosity of nanofiber-dispersed polymer suspensions
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.20(6), 2011, 537-546, doi.
- T.Yokozeki
Analysis of crack kinking in foam core sandwich beams
Composites Part-A, Vol.42(10), 2011, 1493-1499, doi.
- 吉村彰記, 野路陽平, 小笠原俊夫, 横関智弘, 荻原慎二
日本複合材料学会誌, 37巻(4), 2011, 130-137, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Block, A.S.Herrmann
Effects of residual thermal stresses on the debond characterization of sandwich beams
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.30(8), 2011, 699-708, doi.
- 横関智弘
日本複合材料学会誌, 37巻(2), 2011, 58-62, doi.
- 横関智弘
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 59巻(684), 2011, 16-24, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, A.Kuroda, A.Yoshimura, T.Ogasawara, T.Aoki
Damage characterization in thin-ply composite laminates under out-of-plane transverse loadings
Composite Structures, Vol.93(1), 2010, 49-57, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, A.Kuroda, A.Yoshimura, T.Ogasawara, T.Aoki
Evaluation of gas permeability of CFRP laminates under cyclic loadings
Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan, Vol.8(27), 2010, Pc5-Pc9, doi.
- E.Hara, T.Yokozeki, H.Hatta, Y.Iwahori, T.Ishikawa
CFRP laminate out-of-plane tensile modulus determined by direct loading
Composites Part A, Vol.41(10), 2010, 1538-1544, doi.
- E.Hara, T.Yokozeki, H.Hatta, T.Ishikawa, Y.Iwahori
Effects of geometry and specimen size on out-of-plane tensile strength of aligned CFRP determined by direct tensile method
Composites Part A, Vol.41(10), 2010, 1425-1433, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, C.Jitpipatpong, T.Aoki, A.Arai, M.Ishibashi, T.Yanagisawa
Effect of mixing process on CNT length and rheological/mechanical properties of nanocomposites
Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, Vol.6(1), 2010, 5-11, doi.
- T.Yokozeki
Simplified method for predicting overall thermomechanical properties of cracked composite laminates
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.29(5), 2010, 675-684, doi.
- T.Yokozeki
Energy release rates of bi-material interface crack including residual thermal stresses: application of crack tip element method
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.77(1), 2010, 84-93, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki, A.Arai, M.Ishibashi, T.Yanagisawa
Fabrication of CNT-dispersed CFRP using length-controlled CNTs : measurement of CNT length and characterization of mechanical properties
Tsinghua Science and Technology,Vol.14, 2010, 100-104, doi.
- 横関智弘, C.Jitpitpatpong, 新井亜希子, 石橋 勝, 柳澤 隆, 河崎顕人, 高橋辰宏, 青木隆平
日本複合材料学会誌, 36巻(1), 2010, 19-24, doi.
- 原 栄一, 横関智弘, 八田博志, 石川隆司
日本複合材料学会誌, 35巻(6), 2009, 248-255, doi.
- T.Ogasawara, K.Onta, S.Ogihara, T.Yokozeki and E.Hara
Torsion fatigue behavior of unidirectional carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy composites
Composite Structures, Vol.90, 2009, 482-489, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Iwahori, M.Ishibashi, T.Yanagisawa, K.Imai, M.Arai, T.Takahashi, K.Enomoto
Fracture toughness improvement of CFRP laminates by dispersion of cup-stacked carbon nanotubes
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.69(14), 2009, 2268-2273, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Iwahori, M.Ishibashi, T.Yanagisawa
Characterizationof nonlinear behaviors of CSCNT/carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy laminates
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.18(3), 2009, 251-264, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, A.Kuroda, A.Yoshimura, T.Ogasawara and T.Aoki
Permeation-after-impact properties of CFRP laminates for use on propellant tank
Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan, Vol.7(26), 2009, Pc_19-Pc_23, doi.
ISTS Special Issue: Selected papers from the 26th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan, Vol. 7(26), Tc_1-Tc_5, 2009, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara, T.Aoki and T.Ishikawa
Experimental evaluation of gas permeability through damaged composite laminates for cryogenic tank
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.69, 2009, 1334-1340, doi.
- 横関智弘
熱残留応力を考慮した層間き裂進展に関するエネルギー解放率:Crack Tip Element 法による定式化
日本複合材料学会誌, 35巻(3), 2009, 99-105, doi.
- 横関智弘, 高木智宏, 吉村彰記, 小笠原俊夫, 荻原慎二
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 56巻(657), 2008, 492-497, doi.
- T.Yokozeki and T.Ogasawara
Evaluation method of adhesive fracture toughness based on double cantilever beam (DCB) tests including residual thermal stresses
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.17, 2008, 301-317, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara, and T.Aoki
Correction method for evaluation of interfacial fracture toughness of DCB, ENF and MMB specimens with residual thermal stresses
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.68(3-4), 2008, 760-767, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Aoki and T.Ogasawara
Experimental characterization of strength and damage resistance properties of thin-ply carbon fiber/toughened epoxy laminates
Composite Structures, Vol.82(3), 2008, 382-389, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara, and T.Ishikawa
Evaluation of compressive nonlinear response of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced composites using a modified sandwich beam specimen in flexure
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.27(1), 2008, 5-17, doi.
- 横関智弘, 山形尚司, 小笠原俊夫
日本複合材料学会誌, 34巻(1), 2008, 3-13, doi.
- 横関智弘, 小笠原俊夫
日本複合材料学会誌, 33巻(6), 2007, 219-226, doi.
- T.Ogasawara, T.Yokozeki, K.Onta, S.Ogihara
Linear and nonlinear torsional behavior of unidirectional CFRP and GFRP
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.67(15-16), 2007, 3457-3464, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Iwahori, S.Ishiwata, E.Kiyoshi
Mechanical properties of CFRP laminates manufactured from unidirectional prepregs using CSCNT-dispersed epoxy
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.38(10), 2007, 2121-2130, doi.
- 横関智弘, 青木雄一郎, 小笠原俊夫
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, Vol.55(643), 2007, 388-395, doi.
- T.Yokozeki
Semi-empirical modeling of gas permeability induced by multilayer matrix cracks in composite laminates
Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Vol.3(3), 2007, 383-398, doi.
- 横関智弘, 岩堀 豊, 石渡 伸
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, Vol.55(639), 2007, 175-181, doi.
- 隠田敬二, 小笠原俊夫, 横関智弘, 荻原慎二
日本複合材料学会誌, 33巻(2), 2007, 48-54, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, Y.Iwahori and S.Ishiwata
Matrix cracking behaviors in carbon fiber/epoxy laminates filled with cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNTs)
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.38(3), 2007, 917-924, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, S.Ogihara, S.Yoshida and T.Ogasawara
Simple constitutive model for nonlinear response of fiber-reinforced composites with loading-directional dependence
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.67(1), 2007, 111-118, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara, and T.Ishikawa
Evaluation of gas leakage through composite laminates with multilayer matrix cracks: cracking angle effects
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.66(15), 2006, 2815-2824, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara, and T.Ishikawa
Nonlinear behavior and compressive strength of unidirectional and multidirectional carbon fiber composite laminates
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.37(11), 2006, 2069-2079, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, S.Takeda, T.Ogasawara, and T.Ishikawa
Mechanical properties of corrugated composites for candidate materials of flexible wing structures
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.37(10), 2006, 1578-1586, doi.
- T.Ogasawara, T.Ishikawa, T.Yokozeki, T.Shiraishi, and N.Watanabe
Effect of on-axis tensile loading on shear properties of an orthogonal 3D woven SiC/SiC composite
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.65(15-16), 2005, 2541-2549, doi.
- 横関智弘, 武田真一, 小笠原俊夫, 石川隆司
日本複合材料学会誌, 31巻(6), 2005, 268-273, doi.
- 横関智弘, 青木隆平
複合材料のマイクロメカニクス・損傷解析の最新動向―V 層内き裂の多層累積挙動
日本複合材料学会誌, 31巻(6), 2005, 241-250, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Ogasawara, and T.Ishikawa
Effects of fiber nonlinear properties on the compressive strength prediction of unidirectional carbon-fiber composites
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.65(14), 2005, 2140-2147, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki, T.Ogasawara and T.Ishikawa
Effects of layup angle and ply thickness on matrix crack interaction in contiguous plies of composite laminates
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.36(9), 2005, 1229-1235, doi.
- T.Yokozeki and T.Aoki
Overall thermoelastic properties of symmetric laminates containing obliquely crossed matrix cracks
Composites Science and Technology, Vol.65(11-12), 2005, 1647-1654, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Ishikawa, and T.Aoki
Through-thickness connection of matrix cracks in laminated composites for propellant tank
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol.42(4), 2005, 647-653, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki and T.Ishikawa
Consecutive matrix cracking in contiguous plies of composite laminates
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.42(9-10), 2005, 2785-2802, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki and T.Ishikawa
Experimental cryogenic gas leakage through damaged CFRP laminates for propellant tank application
AIAA Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets, Vol.42(2), 2005, 363-366 (Technical Note), doi.
- 横関智弘, 青木隆平, 石川隆司
日本複合材料学会誌, 31巻(1), 2005, 31-37, doi.
- 横関智弘, 青木隆平
日本航空宇宙学会誌, 52巻(607), 377-384, 2004, doi.
- T.Yokozeki, T.Aoki and T.Ishikawa
The effect of matrix cracks on gas permeability through CFRP laminates
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Stress nalysis of symmetric laminates with obliquely-crossed matrix cracks
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Transverse crack propagation in the specimen width direction of CFRP laminates under static tensile loadings
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